WordPress is the most popular content management system that is accepted and loved by millions of users around the world. But there are some technical glitches that need to be resolved as per the user’s desire. Removing the Welcome panel from a new WordPress site is one of them that users want to do. Though welcome Panel is very useful for beginners to get important assistance to do the initial essential setups using shortcuts before starting to work on your new website. But it’s obsolete and is of no use for experienced WordPress users, and that’s why they want to get rid of this welcome panel.
In this article, we will help you to get rid of this welcome panel by following some simple steps. There are many ways to remove the Welcome from a new WordPress site. Here we will explain the commonly used ways to get that done easily. But if you are a beginner we insist you continue with the welcome panel as it would guide you through the shortcuts of WordPress.
Ways to remove welcome from a new WordPress Site.
1. Simply Dismiss the screen
This is the most simple step that you can follow to remove the welcome panel. You need to press the close button at the top right corner and the welcome panel will immediately disappear.
2. Using the Screen Options
On the top right corner of the WordPress dashboard, you will find the screen options. It contains options to edit the basic settings. You can look here to find any hidden panel which you want to use.
You can simply click on the “Screen” options tab and it will descend instantly where you will find some check boxes such as Quick draft, WordPress news, and welcome. Click on the welcome check box and the welcome panel would immediately get removed.
Also When you use the screen options, all the changes will take place immediately and there is no need to refresh the browser window.
3. Using the Code
Now if you want to completely remove the welcome panel from the WordPress dashboard you have to step into the coding elements of WordPress.
- To do that simply go to the “appearance” options of the dashboard and select it. A list of options would get displayed where you would find the “Editor”.
- Select the theme which you are currently using in the drop-down list and a list of files would start getting displayed in the right side column of the screen.
- Try to find the “functions.php” file named “Theme functions” and Open it carefully.
- Simply open any text editor on your system and copy all the existing code in that file as a backup. This will help in case of any accidental data loss issues.
- After saving the backup file, go back to the “functions.php” which you opened on the main editor and search for ”?>”. Press enter and paste the following code in the next line.
- After pasting the above block of code, press “Update” and save the file.
remove_action(‘welcome_panel’, ‘wp_welcome_panel’);
Now feel relaxed as now you have completely removed the welcome panel from your WordPress dashboard successfully.
In this article we have explained you the Simple ways that can be be helpful to remove the Welcome panel from the WordPress dashboard.You can follow these ways stepwise to get rid of the welcome panel in a more effective manner.